Xwing Yavin Open expectations Andrew Pattinson

Ladies and Gentlemen i give to you The Andrew Patterson Interview.

He is the Current Reigning Champion in The Yavin Open.

Ole Nielsen

Is this your first Tournament IF not how many have you participated in ?

Andrew Pattison

certainly not my first. i must have attended over 30 in the last three years. when ever i have a free weekend day (rare) i try and find a local event to go to


Ole Nielsen

when did you start playing the game ?

Andrew Pattison

trying to figure it out, haha

i think it was January 2014. i got a starter set for christmas in 2013

so actually, its only just under 3 years

Ole Nielsen

Ok cool.

Why do you wanna go to Yavin open next year?

Andrew Pattison

well having won it last time, and had such an amazing time, i really have to go back to defend my title. i also think it’s going to be the biggest tournament ever. last year it was 414 players. this year i fully expect it to reach at least that many again

having that many players in the room is amazing. you have no idea what you might face in the first few rounds, and some great lists tend to make it really far


Ole Nielsen

What are your expectations ?

Andrew Pattison

weill its seven games on day one, and you need to go 5-2 to progress to day two, so i’d really like to do that. the pressure is going to be huge. really makes you appreciate the achievements of someone like Paul Heaver who did this 3 times in a row!


Ole Nielsen

Any Thoughts on your list for Yavin yet ?

Andrew Pattison

not really. i’m having a bit of list block at the moment and i am unsure what i’m going to fly. clearly i’d love to fly a Tie Swarm again, but i just dont see it being viable at the top level at the moment. it’ll likely be a scum list with mindlink, as i just love the action economy


Ole Nielsen

What Meta do you think will be at yavin ?

Andrew Pattison

ha, now there is the question everyone really wants an answer to. its tricky because we will likely have wave 10 out by then, with 5 new ships to think about. i dont see Dengaroo going anywhere, so he will likely be around. Rebel regen is back as well, and of course Palp Aces/Defenders are showing no sign of disappearing. i am hoping to see some ofthe HotR Falcons like Rey, as i think she has potential. i am not so sure any of the new ships are going to make a big mark though.


Ole Nielsen

What are your thoughts on the new Tournament structure from FFG

Andrew Pattison

i think the top 8 cut from hundreds of people is harsh, but it was the same last year so i guess it works. eliminating draws was a brilliant move, as we had several IDs last year which influenced the results.

i like the way they are always trying to improve and shake things up though


Ole Nielsen

And what about the all new seasonal table from FFG You know when Tournaments needs to be within a couple of months etc ?

Andrew Pattison

ah well this year is a mess because of the changeover, but i have every confidence it’ll be fine next year

i was sad to miss store champs this year though

mainly because its when all the new players start attending tournaments


Ole Nielsen

and final Question any players you look up to ?

Andrew Pattison

absolutely. first and foremost, my 186th Squadron teamates. these guys are the best. they coach each other, celebrate each other, and work together to try and make sure one of them wins every time. as for other players, i am simply full of reslect for anyone who can consistently place highly in large events. it proves beyond doubt that this is far more than a dice game


Ole Nielsen

and finally good luck at yavin 🙂

Andrew Pattison

thanks mate.




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