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Complete inventory list for MoM 2nd Edition:
Expansion Horrific Journeys
The Horrific Journeys component list is a continuation of the list i made for the Core game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition. As I felt i could not do the one without the other. So hopefully this will be just as big a success as the core game post.
This was the list of cards you will also get the following in Horrific Journeys Expansion.
- 4 Investigators.
- 13 Common Items.
- 7 Unique item.
- 8 Condition Cards.
- 15 Spell Cards.
- 4 Damage Cards.
- 4 Horror Cards.
- 6 Agenda Cards
- 18 Map Tiles
- 7 Monster Tokens And Matching Figures
- 6 Person Tokens
- 43 Water/Rift Tokens
- X Clue Tokens
- 4 Door Tokens
The X number of Clue tokens is because they did not write and excact number in the booklet as they use too but you will get nearly as many as the core game and expansion together. so you will have ALOT of clues.
You can buy the exspansion here.

Here we are with a bunch of new investigators that will join in the investigations around arkham and other scary places.These investigators got a backstory on the other side of the Card. And if you want to read that you will need to purchase the game from your local retailer.

Agnes Baker: The Waitress
Investigator ability
You begin the game with the Storm of Spirits Spell.

Jim Culver: The Musician
Investigator ability
You begin the game with the Golden Trumpet Unique Item

Silas Marsh: The Sailor
Investigator ability
Once per round, you may flip 1 Horror faceup to reroll one or all of your dice while resolving a test

Trish Scarborough: The Spy
Investigator ability
Once per round, you may convert up to two Magnifying glasses (Focus) to Stars (Succes) while performing a Search action
Common items
This Catagory Contains the most common items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognised by the card back as shown below a closed backpack. And there is 13 Cards from the expansion Horiffic Journeys in this Catagory

.41 Derringer

You need this little friend with you, Always !
This card reads the following.
You may deal 1 additional damage while attacking a monster in your space with this card.
Astronomy Guidebook

You need this if you want a guide to the stars.
This card reads the following.
You may ignore Rifts.
Captains hat

Aye, you need this hat when you sail, nothing else.
This card reads the following.
You may convert an Focus(magnifying Glass) to a Success(star) while resolving an Influence (shaking Hands) test.
Coal Shovel

Never know when you need to hit a foe with a shovel full of coal
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
There is more than one way to keep your investigation moving along.
Diver's Helmet

Well remember this if you need to go dive in the Arkham waters.
This card reads the following.
You may ignore Water.
You cannot become Dazed or Stunned.
Diver's Journal

When you dive in uncharted water's you need this.
This card reads the following.
You may ignore Water.
Roll 1 additional die while attacking a monster with the aquatic ability
Gate Box

Never know when you need to open pandoras box.
This card reads the following.
Action: Discard all Rifts from your space and adjacent spaces. Then gain 1 Clue.
Gatlin Gun

Say hello to my little friend..!! muhahah
This card reads the following.
This weapon's damage is equal to the number of success(stars) rolled while attacking with this card.

It is pointy in one end, and can pierce your foes.
This card reads the following.
Bladed Weapon
Action: You hurl your weapon (agility/wings;2). If you pass, place this card in a space within range. Then a monster in that space suffers 3 damage.
Life Preserver

Never leave this at home when going swimming in the Arkham Water's
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
You may ignore Water
Map of the Ley Lines

When wieard things is happening, maybe check out the Ley Lines with this map?
This card reads the following.
You may discard Lost in Time and Space during your turn to place your investigator figure in any explored space.
Mystic Sextant

When ever you need to gaze at those mystic stars in the Arkham Nightsky!
This card reads the following.
Rolle 1 additional die while Lost in Time and Space.
Sturdy Luggage

Have you consideres how hard you full luggage can hit a monster ?
This card reads the following.
Heavy Weapon
There is at least one benefit to lugging around your luggage
Unique Items
This Catagory Contains the Unique items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognized by the card back as shown below a fancy lockbox. And there is 7 Cards from The Horrific Journeys Expansion set in this Catagory.

Fishing Net Front

Never know when and if you need to catch a fish !
This card reads the following.
Action: You attempt to trap the suspect (oberservation/Eye; 2). If you pass, flip this card and give to another Investigator within range.
Fishing Net Back

Just the boring backside
This card reads the following.
You Struggle under the woven rope, but cannot find your way out easily.
You cannot move voluntarily.
This card cannot be dropped or traded.
Action: You attemt to cast off the heavy rope (Strenght/muscleman; 2), If you ass, you are freed from your confines. flip this card. Any investigator in this space can perform this action.

There are 3 of these cards, and YES they will be used !
This card reads the following.
If it burns....
Golden Trumpet

Everyone likes a little music.
This card reads the following.
Action: Each investigator within range may discard 1 facedown Horror. Activate this ability only once per round.
Satchel of the Void

A spooky satchel, dont stick your head in it.
This card reads the following.
Action: You slip the bag over the suspect's head (Lore/book; 2). If you pass, another investigator in your space becomes Lost in Time and Space

You will never know when you need a special ticket.
This card reads the following.
This ticket is only one-way
Condition Cards
These Are cards that is given to an investigator when under the influence of a certain condition, there is 8 cards total in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition The Horrific Journeys Expansion pack and they will have this card back a greenish back with some art.

Insane Cards

bla bla bla bla blu blu.
There are 3 insanity cards in The Sanctum Of Twillight expansion.
(at the back of these card you will find that your winning or loosing condition is changed)
This card reads the following.
Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to the other investigators.
When you have suffered horror equal to your sanity you are eliminated.
Lost in Time and Space

This is a new condition you have in The Horrific Journeys expansion pack, You investigator will become lost and will be removed from the board, you are floating somewhere between Time and Space.
There is 5 of these cards in the Game
Once you gain this condition you can use an action to try to find oyur way back.. And then flip this card. But you have to get your hands on this expansion to read the backside of these 5 card.
Damage Cards
These cards is the Damage of the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition The Horrific Journeys Expansion, whenever you take damage you take a number of cards equal to the Damage dealt to you, with the backside up, a backside that looks like this, if you get a critical hit you will flip the card over and you will get one of the crits below.
The Damage deck contains 4 cards in this expansion. Just add them to your main deck.

Knocked Loose

Ouch that went loose
This card reads the following.
The pain you feel transcends reality.
Resolve Immidiately
Become Lost in Time and Space.
Then discard this card.
Minor injury

Nothing serious.
You will find 1 of these in this expansion
This card reads the following.
Only a flesh wound
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect.
Flip this card facedown.
Motion Sickness

Wooaaa that went fast... maybe i have to buuurrrp.!!
This card reads the following.
The bile rises in your throat with every sudden shift
Keep Faceup
You cannot spend Clues while resolving a Strength(strong man) or agility(wings) test.
Pinched Nerve

Ouch Damn that hurts , i need some massage.!
This card reads the following
You feel a sharp pain followed by a sickening pop in your lower back as your legs go weak.
Keep Faceup.
At the end of your turn, if you have not performed the move action this round, flip this card facedown.
Horror Cards
This is The Horrific Journeys expansion set Horror cards, these are Horror you get if your investigator is experiencing something horrific in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game, and you will get to use these I will promise you.
You will find 4 Horror cards in The Horrific Journeys expansion and the cards below is the faceup versions you can get in the game.

Aware of the Void

I know there is something out there but where is it!
This card reads the following.
Traumatized by your experiences, you wish nothing more than to escape the here and now...
Resolve immediately
Become Lost in Time and Space.
Then discard this card.
Fear the Unknown

Uuh that is not good i dont know what that is
This card reads the following.
You do not want to know what happens next
Keep Faceup
Whenever you end your turn Lost in Time and Space, flip 1 Horror faceup.
Minor Shock

Whooa that was, why did you do that.!
This card reads the following.
Ah! Your Heart races, and your breath catches in your throat.
Resolve Immediately
No additional effect, Flip this card facedown.

Dont Take pictures near me .. please dont.
This card reads the following.
The light burns, and you instinctively lash out to destroy the source of your pain.
Resolve Immediately
Place Darkness in your space.
Then flip this card facedown.
Agenda Cards
These are the agenda's of either you as a human or you as a monster.
These are a new addition to Mansion of Madness 2nd edition, the app will tell you when to use these cards, and what win and loss conditions your character have with these.
There are 6 Agenda Cards in this expansion 4 Human and 2 deep one hybrids.

I am sure that i have no hidden agenda.
This card reads the following.
Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to the other investigators.
Spell Cards
These Cards are spell cards, spell which you will get during a game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition, or even before a game starts, they have numerous effects on the back side of the cards, when ever you cast them it will have consequences for your investigators. you will find a total of 10 Cards 5 of each spell, in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Beyond the Threshold expansion. And you will find that spell cards are numbered on the flip side.
Mists of R'lyeh

I call forth the Mists of R'lyeh
This card reads the following.
If you would resolve an evade check, you may flip this card instead.
Plumb the Void

Beware of the Void
This card reads the following.
Action: Place a Rift in your space and remove your investigator figure from the board. Then flip this card
Storm of Spirits.

The Storms will Rage upon my command.
This card reads the following.
You may suffer 1 facedown Damage to deal 1 additional damage while attacking with this card.
This was the last entry in this post, this was what you can find in the newest Mansion of Madness 2nd edition expansion.
You can buy the expansion in Denmark at Faraos.dk*
Are you living outside Denmark you can buy it at amazon.*

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Looks like you’re missing Plumb the Void.
Thanks for the Info 🙂 i will look into it ASAP.
Many thanks for these lists. I believe there are fifty(50) clues tokens in this set.