Mansion of Madness Exspansion: Path of the Serpent Complete inventory list.

Mansion of Madness: Path of the Serpent

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Complete inventory list for MoM 2nd Edition:
Expansion Path of the Serpent

The path of the serpent component list is a continuation of the list i made for the Core game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition. As I felt i could not do the one without the other. So hopefully this will be just as big a success as the core game post.

  • 17  Map Tiles
  • 8 Monster Tokens And Matching Figures
  • 5 Person Tokens
  • 27 Overgrown/Rubble Tokens
  • 8 Wall Tokens
  • 8 Door Tokens

You can buy the exspansion here.

Faraos Cigarer


Here we are with a bunch of new investigators that will join in the investigations around arkham and other scary places. These investigators got a backstory on the other side of the Card. And if you want to read that you will need to purchase the game from your local retailer.

Daniela Reyes: The mechanic

Investigator Ability

When a puzzle i solved, you may either gain 2 Clues or discard 1 Horror

Leo Anderson

Leo Anderson: The Expedition Leader

Investigator ability

Once per round, when you perform a move action. another investigator may move 1 space.

Norman Withers

Norman Withers: The Astronomer

Investigator ability

Action: If you are in an outdoor space, gain 2 clues or discard 1 Horror. Activate this ability once per round.

Ursula Downs

Ursula Downs: The explorer

Investigator Ability

Once per round, you may move 1 space before or after performing an explore action or resolving the effects of a Sight token.

Common Items

This Catagory Contains the most common items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognised by the card back as shown below a closed backpack.  And there is 16 Cards from the expansion Path of the Serpent in this Catagory

Common item Card Back



Just in case, you got something your body can’t handle.

This card reads the following.


You cannot become poisoned

Disc of Itzamna

Disc of Itzamna

Think that this little thing can do this.!

This card reads the following.


Roll 1 additional die during the mythos phase

Expedition Log

Expedition Log

Remember to use this Logbook, it may help you !

This card reads the following.


Action: Gain 2 Clues and become Fearless. Then discard this card

Hedge Shears

Hedge shears

Who doesn’t need some big scissors

This card reads the following.

Bladed Weapon

When you move into a space, you may discard any number of overgrowth tokens from it.

Jeweled Skull

Jeweled Skull

This could be worth ALOT.

This card reads the following.


At the end of the investigator phase, you may discard 2 Clues to become Fearless

Lucky Bandana

Lucky Bandana

This is my lucky bandana i have to wear it at all costs!

This card reads the following.


Once per round, you may convert all Magnifying Glass(Clues) to Stars (success) while resolving an Eye (Observation) test.


Matches unlit

Nothing i so soothing like using a match

This card reads the following.


Action: You Strike one of the tiny, delicate sticks and it flares to life; Flip this card

And let there be light( backside of matches)

This card reads the following.

Treat this card as a Light Source. If you drop this card, discard it.

At the end of this round, if you do not ration your matches, you will run out, (Eye(observation) 2) test.

If you pass, you realize you are being wasteful with your supply and resolve to do better; flip this card.

If you fail, you reach for the next match and find there are none left; discard this card.

Otherworldly Compass

Otherwordly compass

Never now when you need a compass from the other world

This card reads the following.


Once during your turn, you may perform an Explore action without spending an action.

Pith Helmet

Pith Helmet

Never leave home in Arkham without a helmet.

This card reads the following.


You may ignore Rubble.

Once per round, you may convert an Magnifying glass (Clue) into a Star (Success) while in an outdoor space

Serpent Bracelet

Serpent Bracelet

UUhhh a nice bracelet

This card reads the following


You may become Poisoned to convert all Magnifying Glass (Clues) to Star (Success) while resolving a test.

Survival Knife

Survival Knife

Everybody needs a knife in arkham

This card reads the following.

Bladed weapon

“what else should you bring? Well. I always recommend a good knife”
— Ursula Downs

Survival Pack

Survival Pack

We need our supplies when travelling around Arkham

This card reads the following.

Heavy weapon

Once per round, you may roll 1 additional die while resolving a test in an outdoor space.

Timeworn Brand

Timeworn brand

You never know when you needs an early form of machete.

This card reads the following.

Bladed Weapon

Long ago, this weapon was the difference between life and death. Now it serves that purpose once more.


Torch There are 3 Torches in this expansion

Fire Fire FIRE.

This card reads the following.

Heavy Weapon, Light Source

When an investigator drops this card, place fire in this space.

Unique Items

This Catagory Contains the Unique items found in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game. and the cards are recognized by the card back as shown below a fancy lockbox.  And there is 5 Cards from Path of the Serpent Expansion set in this Catagory.

Citrine Snake

Citrine Snake

This is a SHINY Snake

This card reads the following.

Evidence, Relic

The sinous figure is so finely detailed it even has a tiny pair of sharp fangs.

Jade crododile

Jade Crododile

A SHINY green crododile

This card reads the following.

Evidence, Relic

The deep emerald color of the jade is entrancing

Mysterious Serpent

I hate snakes, but this one seems Friendly enough!

This card reads the following.


Once during your turn, you may choose a monster in your space. Then that monster suffers 1 damage

Obsidian Jaguar

I like Jaguars, i want a real one.

This card reads the following.

Evidence, Relic

The volcanic glass is still sharp on some the more angular edges.

Turquoise Eagle

Eagles, a majestic bird.

This card reads the following.

Evidence, Relic

The eagle is smalle and delicate-looking, a far cry from its real-world compatriot.

Condition Cards

These Are cards that is given to an investigator when under the influence of a certain condition, there is 12 cards total in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Path of the Serpent Expansion pack and they will have this card back a greenish back with some art



I can do it all right now.

This card reads the following.

Effects cannot cause you to suffer Horror unless you choose to.

At the end of your turn, discard this card.

Insane Cards.


bla bla bla bla blu blu.

There are 2 insanity cards in Path of the serpent expansion.

(at the back of these card you will find that your winning or loosing condition is changed)

This card reads the following.

Look at the back of this card but do not reveal it to the other investigators.

When you have suffered horror equal to your sanity you are eliminated.


I have been poisoned .. HELP!

This card reads the following.

At the end of your turn suffer 1 facedown Damage. Then flip this card.

On the back side you will see what effect you get from being poisoned.

Damage Cards

These cards is the Damage of the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Path of the Serpent, whenever you take damage you take a number of cards equal to the Damage dealt to you, with the backside up, a backside that looks like this, if you get a critical hit you will flip the card over and you will get one of the crits below.

The Damage deck contains 3 cards in this expansion. Just add them to your main deck.

Infected wounds

Infected Wounds

Woouuww that hurts should it look like that ?

This card reads the following.

Your wounds fester, and put leaks out alongside the blood

Resolve immediately

Become Poisoned.

Then Discard this card.

Minor Injury

Minor injury

Nothing serious.

You will find 1 of these in this expansion

This card reads the following.

Only a flesh wound

Resolve Immediately

No additional effect.

Flip this card facedown.

Skinned Knee

Skinned Knee

OUCh my knee hurts.!

This card reads the following.

If you got out of that with only a skinned knee, you can do anything!

Resolve Immediately

Become Fearless

Then flip this card facedown.

Horror Cards.

This is Path of the Serpent expansion set Horror cards, these are Horror you get if your investigator is experiencing something horrific in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition game, and you will get to use these I will promise you.

You will find 3 Horror cards in Path of the Serpent expansion and the cards below is the faceup versions you can get in the game.

Delusion of Power

Delusion of Power


This card reads the following.

You can do anything!

Resolve immediately

Become fearless.

Then flip this card facedown.

Minor Shock

Minor Shock

Whooa that was, why did you do that.!

This card reads the following.

Ah! Your Heart races, and your breath catches in your throat.

Resolve Immediately

No additional effect, Flip this card facedown.

Visceral Reaction

Visceral Reaction

OOhhh did you feel that ?

This card reads the following.

You recoil at your own thoughts and prick your skin on an unseen object

Resolve immediately

Become Poisoned

Then discard this card.

Spell Cards

These Cards are spell cards, spell which you will get during a game of Mansion of Madness 2nd edition, or even before a game starts, they have numerous effects on the back side of the cards, when ever you cast them it will have consequences for your investigators.  you will find a total of 15 Cards 5 of each spell, in the Mansion of Madness 2nd edition Path of the Serpent expansion. And you will find that spell cards are numbered on the flip side.



Be GONE Evil one.

This card read the following.

Action: Choose a monster or investigator and move that figure up to 3 spaces away from you. Then flip this card.

Call the Storm

Call the Storm

I call forth a great storm!

This card reads the following

When a monster spawns within range, it suffers 1 damage.



“Kru tak li sum aarrh” Step Forward and be bound .!

This card reads the following

Action: Move a monster or investigator to your space. Then flip this card.

Remember that you need the full Mansion of madness Core game to play this expansion which you can Buy here.


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One Response to Mansion of Madness Exspansion: Path of the Serpent Complete inventory list.

  1. Mike says:

    Thank you for creating these component lists for this great game!

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