Copenhagen X-wing Birthday Bash
So this weekend Saturday the 28th, Copenhagen X-wing had its 4 years birthday, which was celebrated with a tournament in Tåstrup Medborgerhus.
This was a nice and relaxing tournament. Competitive but still very casual, i was there and played a older List of mine, a list that actually in 2015, brought me into top 8 at CPH regionals back then
The List
A list consisting of the following.
Rear Admiral Chiraneu
Darth Vader
Ysanne Isard,
Engine Upgrade
Soontir Fel
Push The LImit
Hull Upgrade
Royal Guard Tie
How it Went Down
This was a tournament that i will remember not because i did very good but because that the Bye I had in round 3 combined with the Lunch break, i used to go and be at a funeral to pay my respect to my Girl Friend, Granddad who passed Away, and then after the ceremony me and my girlfriend got back to The Birthday bash and got to get through all the emotion a human can have in one day, this was somewhat ambivalent.
Round 1 In Copenhagen Birthday Bash
But nonetheless, i played 2 rounds, before Lunch which got me to 1 loss and 1 victory, first game was against a Mindlink list i got my ass wooped and Soontir was caught napping and bumping and getting oneshotted, he had 2crits and 2 hits and Soontir chose to roll 3 blanks at a range 1 shot, then it is bound to go wrong, and so the rest was history RAC agains three ships is like sugar in what it disintegrates like poof there it was.
Round 2 In Copenhagen Birthday Bash
Round 2, was another matter, i was lucky in the end, i met a Dengaroo list, and i was like holy F… That is a dangerous list, especially against a list, which was close to a list that won the Worlds over there.
Soontir and RAC, was up for some, though competition and oboy a match, it was one on one in the last 15-20 minutes with one Hull each, until i did take the last out and won the match closely, this was one of the best matches i played, it was fun, ups and downs.
Round 3 and 4 In Copenhagen Birthday Bash
As i wrote earlier, Round 3 was a Bye, and i was supporting my Girlfriend, at her granddads funeral, a VERY beautiful ceremony. And went Back, after a couple of Hours, to play round 4, this time it was, against 2 K wings, with A tonnes of Bombes and missiles, and ofc tlt’s on top of both K wings.
This went down to RAC against Miranda, and when he got his chance he choked up and he could, at least has given me a draw, but that did not happen, instead i lost it all, sadly but hey it was a fun game, where we exchanged a lot of shots.
Round 5 In Copenhagen X-wing Birthday Bash
The Last round i Played, Against Ghost, a Double tapping ghost, and an U-wing, with Heff Tobber
This was a match, going only one way from the start, i played like a dropped sack of potatoes, and lost again, i was not at 100% i could feel it from the start.
And i basically was annihilated, This was also, my first meeting with a U-wing, so was excited just until i got destroyed.
But all in all a good day of X-wing with some cool people in a cool danish Community, at the end of the day i was lucky enough to win a random draw for a special Biggs Card, only a few of them exist, So i was happy with the day, i could have played ALOT better but i am soon to be found at the Odense Regionals where i will try my best to keep away from the bottom.
So see you next time, in the next Blog !
Thanx to all participating in the Tournament, Thanks to The TO Vince Kingston , organizors Poul Holmelund, And Henrik Christiansen, and to My Girlfriend Lise Pilgaard who kept track in Cryodex of all our results.
Lindhardgaming Signing off.
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