Training for the Dragons Lair Odense Regional in faraos copenhagen
I went into Faraos Cigarer in copenhagen to get the last and actually first practice with my regional list, for this sundays Regional in Odense, and i will be playing the following list.
Regional Odense List.
TIE Defender: Countess Ryad
X7 Title
Push The Limit
Twin Ion Engine MK II
TIE Defender: Vesssery
X7 Title
TIE Defender: Delta Squadron
X7 Title
Yes some of you may have seen it before, and yes i have borrowed it / copiedĀ it on total purpose, so no worries you would do the same.
The Match
I got to play me one match before i had to go home, and some people already had to go home early, so my one match Was against Claus Staal and his scum list, with attanni Mindlink, so i had my defenders a hard match, it had also been a while since i played defenders so, i was rusty, and during the whole first half of the match i forgot Ryad’s PTL.
And as i could remember Defenders are hard to kill, and with the X7 title WAY harder than i remebered, you will 90% of the time end up with focus evade, even on a K turn, which very cool, and with Ryad’s Green K turns damn she is awesome.
But i played Mr. Claus Staal’s List of scums, soo wrong i Should have taken out Manaroo or Ventress instead of going for Old teroch, Manaroo was in the outskirts the whole battle, giving focus to the others, and i could not do anything about that, i tried but could not, but i learned alot from this one match i played this Monday, i will not give up, i have entered this defender list, so i will play it sunday at the Odense Regionals.
I lost and did only 4 Damage in total to my enemy, which is not good enough if i want to win, things needs to get way better this Sunday if i should win any matches then.
The Regional Expectations for me
Well i expect maybe a bit to much for my self, but hey i really do want both Dice and manouever templates from the regional Prize kit, but i also know that i need to play the best i can, to get there, and i believe that i can, i always do.
Although i on the other side dont feel like i played as much as i would during the last 6 months, i really need to play more here in 2017, it is the only way to live up to my own expectations with this high end game. But i will do my best to win as many swiss round as i can, just to make a cut to top 8. but i will tell you guys all about it after this Sunday, when i participate in Odense Regional in Dragons Lair.
Support to keep going

Hey at least Im gonna show up sunday! Total rookie so I bet you will win at least 1
Pingback: x-wing regional in Odense a writeup from my point of view