X-wing regional was a learning curve
The arrival for the x-wing regional in Odense
ok so i got to my 3rd regional in my x-wing history, and we made it a roadtrip, me and my girlfriend Lise and our friends Henrik and Vince, Me and Henrik was going to participate and Vince and Lise was there for support, and only for support , as we told Vince, but we was just arrived when he offered to help the TO , who only To’ed his 2nd Tournament, but it was in my oppinion a well run tournament, with some flaws but we all started somewhere.
and before we talk about my matches remember my list from my former post right here.
My Matches in the x-wing regional round 1.
Round 1 was Against Lars Misimi and a Attanni Mindlink List, not the 100% classical one he had, a Heavy Scyk tansari Point veteran with him, instead of Fenn Rau or Old Teroch.
He also had Plasma torps on manaroo with Extra Munitions and Guidance Chips, so i was in a tough match, for starters with my defender list, and what a fight, what a close fight, my defenders took a lot of beating, he took a lot of beating, it ended up being me who lost this game, but a close one it was, his Scyk had 1 Hull Left, Ventress and manaroo had 2 Hull point left, when the match was over, he killed of my last Defender about 2-3 minutes before, time was up for the round, so we both sat back, in the chairs and was like wow, what was that, it was a very stormfull match.
My Matches in the x-wing regional round 2.
Round 2 in the regionals was against Jacob westh a cool guy, as with 98% of the community, we got cool guys and girls who just like to play the game and have fun. Jacob Played a list with 2 VCX 100 and a y wing, all with Autoblaster turrets, which is very much Auch within range 1 of those things.
Potentially 2 hits, which cannot be saved each round, from each ship at range one, so my tactics, was ofc to keep away from range 1, which did not happen 100%, i ran into a lot of hits from that, and ofc, when i play things happen, so range one inside a front arc, of a VCX is 5 dices, straight into defenders, but this time, i felt lucky and was lucky, jacob did not hit very often, with those 5 dices during range 1 attacks, he hit more with the turrets on his ships, but it was again, a fight which almost went full time.
Learning from round 2
And it was me, who took the win in the end, and i need to learn, to keep distance and learn, more proberly arc dodging. when i get that, into my playbook, i think i can do better, and ofc loose less ships and points in the future.
My Matches in the x-wing regional round 3.
Round 3, against Claus Staal was the third round match, this was a hard matchup for me. I havent yet, got the hang of my defenders 100%, and i know Claus, is a VERY good player, i played him once before and lost, and this time, was no different, he played a textbook match, with his mindlink list, with Old Teroch in the Protectorate fighter, and i lost the match, it was not a close match, but still it nearly, did go full time yet again, this was just because, of those damn defenders i played, they can take so much beating, that it is just incredible, they keep getting evades and focus, they got 3 defence dice, which is very good.
End of round 3.
so my Delta was last man standing until Claus could take it out, but the delta should be proud with one hull left he managed to fend off all three ventress, manaroo and old teroch for one round, and in the round he died he saved the first shot with 3 evade one the dices.
But then it was Gone and Claus did win 100 to 0 and brought my total score to 1-2.
My Matches in the x-wing regional round 4.
Round 4 Brought me an opponent i have not played before, his name was Per Kring, who played list with Biggs the x-wing Favorite, Thane Kyrell in his Arc fighter and Miranda Doni in her k-wing, when i first read his list, right before we started setting up etc, my first thought was, this is a list which suited my defenders better, than those mindlink lists, and i did well in this match. And from the start, this was a close match , we traded a lot of shots during the match, and i mean, ALOT of shots, but none of us, could really hit, but i managed to get Biggs down first, then Thane, if i remember correctly. And i started out by loosing Ryad. And vessery and my Delta pilot started a hunt for victory
Impatience at the end.
In the end i was a bit impatient as i tried to hunt down Miranda in the Slamming k-wing, this was nearly impossible for me, and as one friend Told me afterwards what the Hell where you doing relax, fly away and regroup with a K turn to gain maneuverbility again, and get a better angle on Miranda, In the end before he could say anything to my ofc he cannot tell me what to do in a match, i did manage to get shots fired at the k-wing in the last turn of the match, and ofc he shot first with his TLT, and missed both shots, and i only got 1 faboulous hull point left at this point, and i managed to hit him for 1 damage instead of the 2 required for a kill. which brought me to a score of 2-2
My Matches in the x-wing regional round 5.
This round I got to face another player that i have not played before, in my x-wing carreer, so here at this regional i am now at 2 players that i have not met before that is kind of cool in my own oppinion.
Peter played another mindlink list, a classic list with Fenn Rau up front ofc with manaroo and ventress backing him up, and again what a long match, this is the last match, and to be honest, I cannot remember the whole sjabang here, i remember that Fenn Rau, was one of the first ships who were destroyed, by the defenders flown by me.
This is already from the start, a match that i said to myself would go full time, it was a match that was close, we both did well, but dices, dices, dices, I would say that dices was very much into this game, when things get heated the dices were not with peter.
End game round 5 in Odense regional
As said before this last match was also close, with alot of clustering during the game, which made it hard for ships to do anything, although i managed to wriggle the defenders out of it when it happened, once again i felt the annoyance of the “i remove your stress to take an evade” damn i hated this, at this point in the day, but i managed to get all his ships down in the end, to win a modified victory think it was 71 to 63 or something like that, i think we both could have played better. but this brought me at 3-2, and not enough to make the cut.
Conclusion to the Odense regional
This was a great experience, i learned alot, and i still have a lot to learn, including practicing, to not choke up during tournaments, and i think, the solution is actually simple, besides training matches, and playing more, and more and more all the time, i think i need to mentally train, for tournaments, and make myself a new mindset. but hey i just wanna have fuuun.
So thank you for reading see you in the next post.
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